Lbs of Coffee Composted
Lbs of Emissions Eliminated
Gallons of Gas Avoided
Seedlings Planted

With 19 locations across Chicagoland and people ordering our coffee nationwide, Dollop has a pretty large footprint. We know it also means Dollop has an equally large responsibility to our neighbors and opportunity to lead change.

It’s no surprise that the coffee industry is going to be hit hard by climate change and traditional coffee operations compound the problem. Obviously as a business we have a vested interest in slowing climate change. But more importantly, as people running and benefiting from that business, we have a moral obligation to combat climate change—especially when it disproportionately effects the livelihoods of the very people who grow our coffee.

Dollop Coffee Stars logo

Coffee Sourcing

Coffee Cups & Food Packaging

Composting with WasteNot

Coffee Bags & Return Program

Saving Food Waste

As first steps, we are transitioning all our packaging to compostable, plant-based materials and partnering with WasteNot to compost at all of our cafes. With packaging production, plastic pollution and food waste being significant pieces of our environmental footprint, we wanted to fully embrace composting— all while making it easier for you to do the same.

Check out below to see how your neighborhood Dollop is doing and how you can get involved!

Dollop Coffee Stars logo

Your Neighborhood Cafe

Check out how your favorite Dollop is doing!

Dollop Coffee Stars logo

Join Us

We want to make environmentalism as easy and affordable as your morning cup of coffee. When you sign up for WasteNot Compost services at home, you’ll get a free month of service on WasteNot!